Sunday, October 17, 2010

Make time to Reflect

I decided that I would take a mental break from reading my textbooks and just relax and read one of my magazines for pleasure and relaxation. The editor of Essence magazine, Angela Burt-Murray wrote on the topic When things fall apart. To summarize her story; At the onset of her career in media, as a young arrogant and inexperienced employee, she decided to share written information, regarding her boss, with one of her friends. The information got back to the boss and needless to say the boss did not agree with her comments regarding her leadership style; as she was fired. In the article, Mrs. Burt-Murphy states, " sometimes we allow a misstep to push us off the path we're trying to follow. And even if we're able to get back on course, we often don't take the time to reflect and learn the valuable lessons about what brought us to that place of discontent, confusion and sometimes despair". This ties in with the conversation that took place in EDAD 7306. Eventually if we are really true to our selves either now or after years have past, we will replay the scenario in our heads and reflect on what we should have done or how we could have done things differently. Sadly some people let years go by before they come to grips with the fact that if they would have reflected sooner they wouldn't have had to live with so much pain and despair for so many years.


  1. I think this is one of the reasons we are constantly asking teachers and professionals in education to reflect - before, during and after a course of action. You would hope that people reflect after good as well as bad experiences.....

  2. Life is good and I'm glad you had the time to decompress and reflect. Have great WEEK?

  3. Gail,

    I may have missed the conversation you are speaking of, but I agree that we must not let outside negative spirit infilter the circle of trust. We wrestle not with principalities, but with spirits from beyond this earthly realm. We must continue to reflect on our actions and decisions and make amends when we offend.

  4. How blessed we are to have the opportunity to reflect, redirect, and re-kindle our passion for life. Mistakes are not fatal, but they surely can knock us off course for a while. Biblically speaking, that is part of character formation.
